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Founded in 2008 by Blake Harris, our team is dedicated to the attention to detail and customer service that can create a whole new level of comfort. For all of your HVAC needs contact Harris Air Services!
Randy's Firewood
4402 W. University Dr.
McKinney, TX 75071
Randy 214-597-8867 or Debbie 214-551-4108
Randy's offers a fantastic selection of cooking & firewood. For all your smoking or firewood needs contact Randy's SPONSOR
4020 West University Drive, Ste 400
McKinney, TX 75071
Pickleman’s Gourmet Cafe offers an extensive selection of gourmet sandwiches, thin-crust pizzas, mac & cheese bowls, soups, salads, and various sides and drinks. SPONSOR
Brookhaven Church McKinney
6101 Stacy Rd, McKinney, TX 75070
Honi’s exists as a non-profit organization designed to transform the lives of impoverished children through a holistic approach using social business as our tool.